Sunday Sermon 8/14/2022
The Kingdom of God and the Church
Luke 4:42-44
Matthew 4:17
The Relationship of the Church and the Kingdom of God
The Kingdom ___________ the Church
Matthew 13:24-30
Matthew 7:21
The Church _____________ the Kingdom
Matthew 6:33
Matthew 24:14
Colossians 1:13
The Church is the ____________ of the Kingdom
Matthew 16:16-19
The Kingdom is the __________ of the Church
1 Corinthians 4:20
Romans 14:17
Jesus Will Return for the _______ Church, the Kingdom
1 Corinthians 15:24
Devotion to the Church
Acts 2:421
1 Corinthians 12:18
Hebrews 10:24-25
Luke 17:20-21
Have you surrendered your life to Jesus as Savior and Lord?
- Help needed in Student and Children’s Ministries
- Ladies exercise class every Tuesday at 1:00
Weekly Bible Studies
- Tuesdays:
8 am Men with Bill
9am Ladies with Jane
6:30 pm Men with Joe
6:30 pm Ladies with Jan
- Wednesdays:
9:30 am Zoom with Joe Edenhofer
10:00 am Ladies with Carole
6:00 pm Recovery Bible Study
6:30 pm couples study at pastors house and on Zoom