Sunday 7/12/2020 Sermon
God’s Names of Intimacy
Intimate: an association, knowledge, an understanding arising from a close personal connection and experience
God wants an intimate relationship with you.
Job 29:14
Psalm 148:14
2 Corinthians 13:14
1 John 4:15
God’s names reflect that God wants an intimate relationship with each one of us.
God’s Names of Intimacy
El Ro-I: _____________ – Genesis 16:13-14
Psalm 34:15
Exodus 2:23-25
Immanuel: ___________
Isaiah 8:10
Matthew 1:23
Deuteronomy 4:7
Matthew 28:20
Avi: _________ – Matthew 6:9
Matthew 7:11
Abba: _________________
Mark 14:36
Romans 8:15
Galatians 4:6
Romans 8:31
God is for you, so that means it makes no difference who is against you.
God being for you means:
He sees and hears you
He will be with you always
He is your Father
He is your Abba
He is all you need
Names of Intimacy Computer/Sermon Notes
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