Sunday Sermon 4/4/2021
Religion, Resurrection, and Commission
Religion, Resurrection, and Commission
Religion: a personal set or an institutional system of attitudes, beliefs, or practices
Religion is man trying to reach God & be acceptable to Him
Jesus calls us to a relationship not a religion
The Resurrection: Matthew 28:1-10 (ESV)
Verses 1-3: They Find the Stone Gone
Verses 4-6: They Find Jesus Gone
Verses 7-8: Command and Obedience
Verses 9-10: Encounter with Jesus
The False Report: Matthew 28:11-15 (ESV)
Verse 16: Obedience
Verse 17: Worship
Verses 18-20: Jesus Commands His Church
Jesus died on the cross for your sins
Jesus rose from the dead on the third day
Jesus commissioned His church
Are we obeying Him?