Sunday Sermon 4/3/2022
The Benefits of Belonging to God
Psalm 16
The Prayer (v. 1)
“Preserve me, O God, for in you I take refuge.”
A Reminder to the Soul
- The Lordship of God (v. 2a)
- The Goodness of God (v. 2b)
- The Excellence of the Saints (v. 3)
Idolatry in comparison to God
- The Ever-Increasing Sorrow of Idolaters (v. 4)
- David Chooses God as his Portion (v. 5-6)
The Benefits
- Guidance (v. 7)
- Security (v. 8)
- Preservation (v. 10)
- Joy (v. 9)
- Pleasures (v. 11)
The Benefits of Belonging to God