Sunday Sermon 4/25/2021
Jesus is the Bread of Life
(John 6:25-40)
- Jesus is the Bread of Life
- What did Jesus mean when He made this statement?
- Jesus was claiming to be God
- Jesus was claiming to be all that we need to have spiritual life and be satisfied
- Jesus didn’t come primarily to give bread but to be Bread
- The crowd loved Jesus because He satisfied they hunger
- Jesus wanted them to see the “Signs” that prove He is the Messiah
- Jesus does give “bread” but that’s not primarily why He came
- We must seek him as the Bread and not the bread giver
- We actively seek the “Bread of Life” but the “bread” we receive with thanksgiving
- All of our possessions will be gone someday so we must seek something greater
- Application
- To eat the “Bread of Life” all we have to do is believe
- “Believe” is something we do every day not something we did in the past
- If you want true fulfillment, Believe in Jesus
Jesus is the Bread of Life