Sunday Sermon 4/16/2023
Christians In Action
Hebrews 13
- Continue in Love (v. 1-3)
- Avoid Immorality (v. 4)
- Live Contently (v. 5)
- Honor the Church (v. 7-18)
-Observe the life of your leaders and imitate their faith
-Stay focused on the gospel
-Be willing to suffer if necessary
-Have hope in what’s to come
-Praise God with our words
-Do good and be generous
-Honor your leaders
-Pray for your church leaders
- Weekly Bible Studies
- Tuesdays:
9 am Men
9am Ladies
6:30 pm Men
6:30 pm Ladies
- Wednesdays:
9:30 am Zoom with Joe Edenhofer
10:00 am Ladies with Carole
6:00 Suicide and Grief Support Group
6:00 pm Recovery Bible Study
6:30 pm couples study at (Byers) and on Zoom
Weekly Prayer Times
- Mondays 6:30 a.m. CATB
- Wednesdays 12:00 noon CATB