Sunday Sermon 12/12/2021
Jesus is the Gift of Christmas
John 1:1-16
Jesus is the gift
- What He left so that He could be the gift
- All the wonders of Heaven
- What He became so that he could be the gift
- He became flesh
- He dwelt among us
The gift has great value
- What the gift includes
- Grace
- Truth
- Why we need the gift
- God’s grace is our only hope
- God’s truth is the only truth
- What the gift cost Jesus
- It cost Him much suffering
- It cost Him His earthly life
The gift must be received
- It just has to be accepted
- A gift cannot be earned or else it ceases to be a gift
- A gift cannot be purchased or else it ceases to be a gift
- The gift is rejected by most
- They don’t understand the gospel
- They don’t think they need a Savior
- They Fear social rejection
- The world looks more appealing
Jesus is the Gift of Christmas
Sermon Notes:
Jesus is the Gift of Christmas
Jesus is the Gift of Christmas
Praise & Worship to Sing Along With
Children and Youth Christmas Play