Sermon 5/9/2021

Sunday Sermon 5/9/2021


Jesus’ Words of Eternal Life


How do you view the world?


Our worldview will determine what we accept as truth and what we reject.


That will determine how we live and where we spend eternity.


Jesus’ Words of Eternal Life: John 6:41-71


___________________ of Jesus: Verses 41-42

Matthew 16:13-14


Who Jesus ____________: Verses 43-51


____________ with Jesus: Verses 52-59

Hebrews 9:14

Ephesians 2:13


___________or ____________: Verses 60-71


Jesus is God in the flesh and view Him as anything else is untrue.


We can have union with the Father and communion with Jesus because of Jesus’ death and resurrection.


We have been given the power to reject or accept Jesus as our Savior and Lord and each of those brings consequences.


Acceptance means life

Rejection means death


You choose!

Jesus’ Words of Eternal Life 

Sermon Notes: 



Jesus’ Words of Eternal Life  


Jesus’ Words of Eternal Life  


Praise & Worship to Sing Along With