Sermon 2/13/2022

Sunday Sermon 2/13/2022


God’s Majestic Name


Psalm 8

David gives us four reasons why God’s name is majestic  

God’s name is majestic because of His. . .

  1. Glory

God’s glory is seen in the earth v. 1a

God’s glory is seen in the heavens v. 1b

God’s glory reaches beyond the earth

God’s glory is seen when He uses the weak to accomplish the impossible
  1. Power

Our God has the power to create universes and all that is contained within them

The moon and the stars were set in place by God
  1. Love

“What is man that you are mindful of Him?”

After seeing how great and beautiful the universe is, why would we even be a though in the mind of God?

If we were to travel at the speed of light, it would take us 40 Billion years to reach the edge of the universe. And God is bigger! He’s not contained in the universe! And yet, He is mindful of us! He cares for us!
  1. Authority

Here’s where we see humanity’s place in comparison to God’s glory.

We are a little lower than the heavenly beings

We have been given glory and honor

We have been given authority over the work of God’s hand

God’s Majestic Name



Sermon Notes: 






Praise & Worship to Sing Along With