Get To Know Us
Leadership Team:
Our leadership team recognizes the authority of God, and realizes that we are shepherds who serve under the Chief Shepherd, Jesus Christ. We desire to devote ourselves to prayer and to the ministry of the Word. Our passion and goal is to equip the believers for the work of the ministry until we all attain maturity in the fullness of Christ.
Houston Cano, Lead Pastor- Pastor Houston began as the church’s Youth Pastor in 2011. At the beginning of 2023, he accepted the call to be the Lead Pastor of Church at the Butte. He was baptized and discipled at this church so he has a deep connection and a great love for his faith family here. He and his wife Barbara have 4 children, Shiloh, Jacob, Lilly, and Jasper.
Bruce Morrison, Senior Adults & Missions Pastor- Pastor Bruce and his wife, Jane, have been serving at Church at the Butte as Senior Adult/Missions minister since March of 2011. Prior to accepting the call to our Church, Bruce was Pastor of Mora Valley Baptist Church in northern New Mexico. He spent 33 years in the secular field before being called into the ministry. He spent 25 years with the New Mexico Department of Game and Fish as a Conservation Officer and Wildlife Biologist and 8 years with Nebraska Game and Parks Commission as a wildlife disease specialist. He was born in Las Vegas, New Mexico and raised in Cimarron, New Mexico. After high school, Bruce spent 4 years in the U.S. Navy with one tour of duty in Vietnam and married the love of his life, Jane Springer. Bruce loves working with the senior adults at CATB and has a passion for missions.
Zebediah Rose, Youth Pastor- Pastor Zeb and his wife Megan moved from Titusville Florida to serve here at Church at the Butte.
Tami Smith, Ministry Assistant- Tami serves the church’s ministry assistant. She works along side the Pastors and the Shepherd’s Team.
The Shepherd’s Team serves along side the pastors to lead and care for our faith family. Suggestions, needs, ideas and opportunities are shared with the pastors and Shepherd’s Team to enrich the church communication and effectiveness. We are governed, by our congregation and lead by our Pastors and the Shepherd’s Team. Our membership is made up of Christians from many different religious backgrounds. We do not focus on our difference, but major on our common loyalty to Jesus Christ, while sharing His message of love and hope with others.