Sermon 1/15/2023

Sunday Sermon 1/15/2023



Cleaning the Inside

Luke 11:37-41


As people we are often concerned with appearances

God looks beyond the outward appearance and looks deep within our heart

From this passage we see . . .


1. Pharisees Clean the Outside Only (v. 39)
2. God is Concerned with what’s Within (v. 41)
3. How to Clean the Outside
  • Through Conversion
  • Through Sanctification



[Other passages of scripture referenced]

  • Luke 18:9-14
  • Matthew 5:20
  • John 3:3-7
  • Mark 7:20-23
  • Colossians 3:5-11
  • Colossians 3:12-17
  • The Search Team has elected Pastor Houston to be the new Pastor. The vote will be on 1/22/2023 at the church Family Meeting immediately following the service. 
Weekly Bible Studies 
  • Tuesdays:
8 am Men 
9am Ladies with Jane
6:30 pm Men with Joe
6:30 pm Ladies with Jan 
  • Wednesdays: 
9:30 am Zoom with Joe Edenhofer
10:00 am Ladies with Carole
6:00 Suicide and Grief Support Group
6:00 pm Recovery Bible Study
6:30 pm couples study at (Byers)                      and on Zoom
Weekly Prayer Times
  • Mondays 6:30 a.m. CATB
  • Wednesdays 12:00 noon CATB

Praise & Worship to Sing Along With