Vain Pursuit #2
The world’s culture says that pleasure is the ultimate thing we are to be seeking
Solomon shared that sentiment – Ecclesiastes 2:1
What Solomon Tried to Find Meaning in Life Through Pleasure: Ecclesiastes 2:3-10
Verse 3: ___________________ – Proverbs 23:31-32
Verses 4-7: ______________________________ – Proverbs 23:4
Verse 8: _________________ – Proverbs 5:16
Verses 9-10: ______________ He Thought Would Bring Him Pleasure
The Conclusion: Ecclesiastes 2:11
Striving After Wind
Nothing to be Gained
How Jesus Views Trying to Find Meaning in Pleasure: Luke 12:15
Matthew 19:16-22: _________________
Luke 19:1-10: ____________
The Difference
Rich Young Ruler:
John 8:31-32 & 36
What is the focus of your life?
Matthew 6:33
Vain Pursuit #2